A One's Cocker Spaniels

DTJCH VDHCH DTCH A One´s Spark Another Pearl
Born October 17, 1998

photo: Roberto

Pearl won the CAC, CACIB, Siegeranwartschaft and Best Bitch
at her debut show in open class in Nuremberg on April 2, 2000.
In mid-May she did it again in Erfurt under Mr Studenik.
And on August 6 she won her 3rd Siegeranwartschaft on the German Champion Klub title.
 On August 20 Pearl won her 4th Siegeranwartschaft in Hamburg! What a girl!
On April 22, 2001, Pearl von her final VDH Anw & Siegeranwartschaft in Obernkirchen under Mrs Regine Sommer and went ...

Best In Show
thereby finishing her VDH Champion & German Champion Club titles.

Pearl won her 1st German Junior CAC in Frankfurt, November 7, 1999 at her debut,
2nd German Junior CAC at Kassel International, November 13, 1999 &
3rd German Junior CAC in Iserlohn, November 28, 1999 and accordingly she is ...
German Junior Champion

Pearl is litter sister to A One´s Borkum Riff, A One´s Pearl Harbour,
A One´s Pearl Necklace & A One´s Ghetto Supastar

Pearl & her mother Mäusi

Congratulations to Pearl´s owners Miss Sandra Radomski &
Mrs Doris Junge, Germany, of Vom Rauhen Holz!
Pearl is a true, happy show character (unlike her mother).
