A One's Cocker Spaniels
In perpetuam memoriam
KBHV04 SV05 Midnight Train Vom Rauhen Holz

Hansi at his and my favourite place July 2006
A Cocker Spaniel in the true sense of the name -
Hansi loved everybody and expected everybody to love him.

Photo Per Undén

pedigree with 10-generation-COIs and HD-status
OptiGen-tested prcd-PRA/FN Normal & HDua
Born Aug 21, 1995
Stud statistics

Cocker of the Years 1998-2003 in Sweden
Dog CC Winner Crufts 2003

Top Winning Particoloured Dog 1999, Germany -
4 shows
attended only
Top Winning Cocker Dog 1997
German Champion Club
Swedish Show Champion
Nordic Winner 2003
Thank You Judges!

Top Wins

minihansi.gif (19394 bytes)
Place Date Result
Berlin Cacib - 3.400 entries March 23, 1997 BIS2
Piteaa Cacib - 1.595 entries July 6, 1997 BIS
Herrevad Cocker Club August 23, 1997 BIS
Leibzig Cacib - 3.131 entries Sept 21, 1997 BIS
Hallstahammar SSRK Oct 5, 1997 BIS
Karlstad SSRK Nov 30, 1997 BIS
Herrevad Cocker Club Sept 12, 1998 BIS
Berlin Cacib - 3.200 entries March 21, 1999 BIS
Gotland SSRK May 9, 1999 BIS
St Peter-Orging, Germany May 13, 1999 BIS
Boraas National July 4, 1999 BIS2
Vaesteraas July 25, 1999 BIS4
Joenkoeping Cocker Club August 8, 1999 BIS
Koeping SSRK Jan 29-30, 2000 BIS2
Skokloster Club Show SSRK May 20, 2000 BIS2
Joenkoeping Cocker Club August 5, 2000 BIS
Linkoeping Cocker Club August 27, 2000 BIS
Noedinge Cocker Club May 24, 2001 BIS
Iggesund SSRK July 22, 2001 BIS
Bjuv Cocker Club July 28, 2001 BIS
Motala SSRK October 27, 2001 BIS
Graengesberg SSRK Nov 10, 2001 BIS2
Stockholm International March 30, 2002 BIG
Vaesteraas International April 27, 2002 BIG3
Graenna Cocker Club Open Show June 15, 2002 BIS
Halmstad National July 13, 2002 BIG
Nyköping National August 18, 2002 BIG
Bjuv Cocker Sydväst August 24, 2002 BIS
Sofiero National September 8, 2002 BIG
Köping SSRK October 6, 2002 BIS4
Motala SSRK October 26, 2002 BIS3
Birmingham - Crufts March 2003 Dog CC
Stockholm - Nordic Winner December 2003 NORDV03
Copenhagen Winner 2004 September 18, 2004 KBHV04
Hillerød, Denmark Crufts qualifications June 11, 2005 DKUCH
Stockholm - Swedish Winner 2005 December 10, 2005 SV05
Nödinge Open Show May 26, 2007 Best In Show

Top Wins Progeny Groups

Linkoeping Cocker Club Show 1998 BIS PROGENY GROUP
Joenkoeping Cocker Club Aug 5, 2000 BIS PROGENY GROUP
Linkoeping Cocker Club Aug 27, 2000 BIS PROGENY GROUP
Oesterbybruk Cacib, Sweden June 2, 2001 BIS PROGENY GROUP
Graenna Cocker Club, Sweden June 16, 2001 BIS PROGENY GROUP
Koeping SSRK, Sweden Jan 26, 2002 BOB PROGENY GROUP
(Backhills Farah Diba, Backhills For
A One´s Only, Murbräckans Al Capone & Murbräckans Annie Get Your Gun. However this Progeny Group was left hanging since Murbräckans Annie Get Your Gun left the show ground before the BIS finals!
Stockholm Cacib March 30, 2002 BOB PROGENY GROUP
Vaesteraas Cacib, Sweden April 27, 2002 BIS2 PROGENY GROUP
Stenungsund SKK National May 26, 2002 BIS PROGENY GROUP with A One´s Jaggelonika of Yendor, Backhills For A One´s Only, Backhills For Your Eyes Only & Backhills Garibaldi (3 litters)
Graenna Cocker Club Open June 15, 2002 Best Progeny Group In Show
Halmstad National July 13, 2002 Best Progeny Group of Breed/BIS4
Bjuv Cocker Sydväst Aug 24, 2002 BIS Progeny Group with
Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills For Your Eyes Only, SU(u)CH Blue Satin Forever A One´s & A One´s Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
Sofiero National Sept 8, 2002 BOB Progeny Group Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills For Your Eyes Only, Backhills Fabulous Night And Day, A One´s Jaggelonika of Yendor
Köping SSRK Oct 6, 2002 BIS Progeny Group A One´s Rapunzel
Vom Rauhen Holz, Backhills Garibaldi,
Backhills Falling For You &
Backhills Farah Diba
Motala SSRK Oct 26, 2002 BIS Progeny Group with
A One´s Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
Backhills Garibaldi
Sätras Kors Och Tvärs
Sätras Hänt I Veckan
Vaxjoe Cacib Nov 2, 2002 Best Prog Group of Breeed with
A One´s Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
Backhills For A One´s Only
Backhills For Your Eyes Only
Backhills Garibaldi
Stockholm International Dec 8, 2002 BEST IN SHOW2 Progeny Group with
A One´s Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
Lordlike´s Judy
Backhills Farah Diba
Backhills Garibaldi
Gothenburg International Jan 4, 2003 BIS2 Progeny Group with
Lordlike´s Judy, Backhills Fabulous Night & Day, Backhills Hidden Flower & Guldkulans Lancia Flaminia - Thanks to Jane Jarefors!
Köping SSRK Jan 25, 2003 BIS Progeny Group with
A One´s Jaggelonika of Yendor, Backhills For Your Eyes Only, Backhills Garibaldi, Manaca´s On The Road
Gävle Lervik SSRK March 23, 2003 BIS2 Progeny Group with
A One´s Jaggelonika of Yendor, Backhills For A One´s Only, Lordlike´s Judy & Manaca´s On The Road
Västerås International April 26, 2003 BOB Progeny Group with: Manaca's On
The Road,  Backhills Garibaldi, Lordlike's Judy, A One's Jaggelonika of Yendor
Skokloster SSRK May 18, 2003 BIS Progeny Group with: Backhills
Garibaldi, Backhills Harmony and Piece, Lordlike's Judy, Murbräckans Al Capone
Nödinge Open Show May 24, 2003 BIS Progeny Group with Frostwork's
Wintertale, SU(u)CH A One's Jaggelonika,
of Yendor, Guldkulans Lancia Flaminia,
Big-L's My Dream in Blue
Stenungsund SKK National May 25, 2003 BIS3 Progeny Group with
Backhill's Heavenly Promise, Backhill's
Garibaldi, SU(u)CH A One's Jaggelonika
of Yendor, Allert's On Line
World Winner 2003, Dortmund May 30, 2003 BIS Progeny Group with
A One's Rapunzel v Rauhen Holz;
A Fighter v RH, Ally McBeal v RH;
Backhill's Fabulous Night & Day
Österbybruk International June 8, 2003 BIS3 Progeny Group with
SU(u)CH A One's Jaggelonika of Yendor
Manaca's Oops I Did It Again, Manaca's
On The Road, Murbräckans
Al Capone
Gränna Club Show June 14, 2003 BIS Progeny Group with
A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz,
Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills Harmony &
Piece, Backhills For Your Eyes Only
Gränna SSRK June 15, 2003 BIS3 Progeny Group with
A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz,
Backhills Garibaldi, Backhills Harmony &
Piece, Backhills For Your Eyes Only
Halmstad National
(K-E Johansson)
July 12, 2003 BIS2 Pro Group with
A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz,
Backhills Garibaldi;
Backhills For Your Eyes Only,
Backhills Fabulous Night & Day
Halmstad Cacib July 13, 2003 BOB Pro Group with
A One's Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
Manaca's On Duty, Backhills Garibaldi,
Backhills Heavenly Promise
Hemsjö SSRK August 30, 2003 BIS Pro Group with
A One's Rapunzel vom RH, Backhills
Garibaldi, Backhills Isabella Rosselini,
Guldkulans Lancia Flaminia
Växjö SV2003 October 11, 2003 BOB Pro Group with Manaca's On Duty, Brightwood's Good For A Million, Brightwood's One In A Million
& Sätra's Hänt I Veckan
Motala SSRK October 25, 2003 BOB Pro Group with Backhills For Your
Eyes Only, Backhills Isabella Rossellini,
Backhills Falling For You & Sätra's Hänt
I Veckan
Hammarö SSRK November 29, 2003 BIS Pro Group with B Garibaldi, B Farah
Diba, A One's No Coat Rapunzel Vom
Rauhen Holz, Lordlike's Judy
Köping SSRK January 24, 2004 BOB Pro Group with
Backhills For A One's Only, Backhills Farah Diba,
Backhills Isabella Rossellini, Sätras Hänt I Veckan
Lervik SSRK March 21, 2004 BIS Pro Group with Murbräckans Al Capone,
Lordlike's Judy, Frostwork's Winterfields &
Westerner Beautiful Mind
Söderköping Open Show
(Sue Kettle)
August 21, 2004 BIS Pro Group with SU(u)CH A One's Rapunzel
Vom Rauhen Holz, Sätra's Det Bästa, Sätra's Hänt
I Veckan, Pearl Harbour Phantom of the Opera
Ultuna SSRK
(George Findlay/H Björkman)
August 28, 2004 BIS Pro Group with SU(u)CH A One's Rapunzel
Vom Rauhen Holz, Sätra's Hänt I Veckan, Lordlike's
Nimba & Murbräckans Annie Get Your Gun
Ultuna Club Show August 29, 2004 BIS Pro Group with SU(u)CH A One's Rapunzel
Vom Rauhen Holz, Lordlike's Nimba, NordV2003
Frostwork's Avalanche & Murbräckans Al Capone
Växjö International November 7, 2004 BIS with SU(u)CH SV03 Manaca's On The Road,
SU(u)CH Backhills For Your Eyes Only, Backhills Harmony and Piece & NUCH SU(u)CH Backhills
Farah Diba - THANK YOU ALL!
Hammarö SSRK November 27, 2004 BIS with SU(u)CH Allert's Off Road, Murbräckans
Al Capone, Backhills Harmony and Piece, Allert's
On Line. Thanks all for standing the COLD!
Hallstahammar SSRK January 30, 2005 BIS with Lordlike's Norman, Murbräckans Al
Capone, Westerner Beautiful Mind, Backhills
Harmony And Piece
Sandviken SSRK March 20, 2005 BIS with SU(u)CH KBHV2004 A One's Rapunzel
Vom Rauhen Holz, Pearl Harbour Blue Zaphire,
NUCH SU(u)CH NordV2003 Frostwork's
Avalanche & SV03 SU(u)CH Manaca's On The
Västerås National April 23, 2005 BIS4 with Allert's On Line, Backhills Harmony
And Piece, SU(u)CH Manaca's Oops I Did It.
Again, SU(u)CH NUCH Lordlike's Judy
Västerås International July 24, 2005 BIS3 with SU(u)CH KVHV2004 A One's Rapunzel
Vom Rauhen Holz, DKUCH SU(u)CH Backhills
Garibaldi, Murbräckans Al Capone & Westerner
Beautiful Mind
Växjö International November 5, 2005 BIS Res with SU(u)CH SV03 Manaca's On The
Road, Lordlike's Nimba, SU(u)CH Manaca's Oops
I Did It Again, SU(u)CH KBHV04 A One's
Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz
Stockholm SV 2005 December 10, 2005 BOB with SU(u)CH KBHV04 A One's Rapunzel Vom
Rauhen Holz, Lordlike's Nimba, SU(u)CH Backhills
Harmony And Piece & Pearl Harbour Blue Sapphire
Motala SSRK February 11, 2006 BIS with Medeba's Great Blue Pleasure, SU(u)CH
Backhills Harmony And Piece, SU(u)CH KBHV04 A One
Rapunzel Vom Rauhen Holz, SU(u)CH Allert's On Line
Uddevalla SSRK April 1, 2006 BIS with S(U)CH KBHV04 A One's Rapunzel Vom
Rauhen Holz, Medeba's Great Blue Pleasure, Pearl
Harbour Phantom of the Opera & NUCH SU(u)CH
Backhills Farah Diba (BOB/BIS2)
Uddevalla SSRK April 2, 2006 BIS2 with SU(u)CH KBHV04 A One's Rapunzel Vom
Rauhen Holz, Pearl Harbour Phantom of the Opera,
Pearl Harbour Franz Schubert & Pearl Harbour Blue
Club Show 2006 Vännäs June 17, 2006 BIS with SU(u)CH KBHV2004 A One's Rapunzel v R H,
NUCH SU(u)CH NordV2003 Frostwork's Avalanche,
SU(u)CH Frostwork's Winterfields &
SU(u)CH Lordlike's Judy
Uddevalla SSRK March 31, 2007 BOB Progeny Group with Brightwood's Caol Ila,
Brightwood's The Famous Grouse, Pearl Harbour Blue
Sapphire, Pearl Harbour Franz Schubert
Nödinge Open Show May 26, 2007 BIS Progeny Group with CH Pearl Harbour Phantom of
the Opera, Pearl Harbour Franz Schubert, Pearl Harbour
Blue Sapphire & A One's Signe Tillisch
Tvååker National July 13, 2007 BIS2 Progeny Group with SVCH SU(u)CH Allert's Off
Road, Pearl Harbour Franz Schubert, Pearl Harbour
Blue Sapphire & Brightwood's The Famous Grouse

Record holder for the number of Champion progeny (31) and great stud health stats

Hansi's mother Blue Pearl

Photo Cavalcade
Stud statistics Hansi
Successful Hansi progeny
Cocker of the Years 1998-2003

They say memories are golden, well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.
A million times I needed you, a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.
Thanks Anna & Linda
